Be a part of our 60th year!

2025 MID Rules here

Become a Merrill Ice Drag member. The cost is only $20 and supports our club greatly.

Ways YOU can support the MID


Become a paid member to the club. It’s $20.00 and give you voting rights and some other perks and if anything this year you are a member of a great club in the 60th year of racing. We are taking membership applications now through race season.

Sign up Here!


If anyone has a business and wants to become a sponsor or knows of a lead for sponsorship please let any of the board members know. These great sponsors we have had are the only reason we are still going and we thank them so much.


We always need more volunteers, track set up and take down, race day help. The more hands for help makes it easier on all of us.


Support us! Share our posts, spread the word. We want to keep this family fun event going on in Merrill Wi that brings fans and racers in from around the country. We are in our third generations of racers out there racing and want to keep that going for years to come.

Fastest 1/8th mile on ICE

(Merrill, WI)



Access Lake Alexander from Council Grounds Drive (NOT Forest Dr.) through park

& follow signs to Boat Landing.

Track is located on the ice on Lake Alexander, Merrill, WI

If using Google maps, enter directions for: Casa-Amigos Mexican Restaurant N2410 WI-107, Merrill, WI & follow Merrill Ice Drag signs on Council Grounds Drive across the road from the restaurant.